龙美术馆 Long Museum

龙美术馆是由中国收藏家刘益谦、王薇夫妇创办的私立美术馆,目前在上海浦东和徐汇滨江同时拥有两个大规模的场馆——龙美术馆(浦东馆)和龙美术馆(西岸馆),构成独特的 “一城两馆” 的艺术生态,重庆馆也于2016年5月开幕,构成了 “两城三馆” 的艺术构架,是目前国内最具规模和收藏实力的私立美术馆。

作为国际知名的艺术品收藏家,刘益谦、王薇的收藏涵盖中国传统艺术、现当代艺术、“红色经典” 艺术,以及亚洲和欧美的当代艺术等各种门类,数量丰富,体系完备。龙美术馆以其私人收藏为基础,长期致力于专业的艺术展览、研究、收藏以及公共文化教育的传播。以推动艺术发展和文化传承为己任,扎根本土的同时,注重古今艺术、东西方文化的对比展示与研究,以全球性的视野呈现视觉艺术的多元性,全面系统地展现中国艺术的辉煌成就和当前世界艺术的新鲜活力,打造比肩世界水准的私立美术馆。



Founded by Chinese couple collectors, Mr. Liu Yiqian and his wife, Ms. Wang Wei, the Long Museum owns two huge places for exhibition and related functions: Long Museum Pudong and Long Museum West Bund. Located respectively in Pudong New Area and Binjiang, Xuhui District, they constitute a unique ecosystem of art in Shanghai: “One City, Two Museums.” As the largest private institution of collection in China, the Long Museum boasts of the richest collection nationwide.

As world-renowned art collectors, Liu and Wang’s collection is systematically large, covering traditional Chinese art, modern and contemporary Chinese art, “red classics” as well as contemporary art of Asia and Europe. Based on their private collections, the Long Museum is devoted not only to professional art exhibitions, researches, and collections but also to the promotion of cultural education in public. It aims to take up the responsibility of propelling continuous development and inheritance of art; focuses on the contrastive display and study of art, Western and Eastern,ancient and contemporary, while strengthening its local cultural roots;presents the diversity of visual art from a global perspective; systematically showcases the splendid achievements of Chinese art as well as the vitality of contemporary art all over the world; and eventually forges itself into a world-class private museum.

Ms. Wang Wei, co-founder of the Museum, is the general director. Among the academic advisors of the Long Museum are Chen Lvsheng, Vice Director of the National Museum of China; Wang Huangsheng, the Director of the Art Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Arts and Zhao Li, a professor of China Central Academy of Fine Arts. These experts and scholars will offer suggestions and support regarding the operation and development of the Museum.