Deitch Projects

Source: (by S. Keenan)

Jeffrey Deitch,1952年出生于美国康涅狄格州的哈特福特,1974年毕业于卫斯理大学,1978年获得哈佛商学院工商管理硕士学位。他参与现当代艺术工作已近50年,身份涉及艺术家、批评家、策展人、艺术交易和顾问。1972年,他在马萨诸塞州的雷诺克斯开办了他的第一家画廊。

1996-2010年期间,Jeffrey Deitch 在纽约运营 Deitch Projects 画廊,曾展出过250个项目,参展艺术家来自全球33个国家。Deitch Projects 是一个特立独行的组织,与商业画廊相比,它更像是一个独立当代艺术机构。除了画廊展览外,Deitch Projects 还组织各种行为表演和公共活动。这15年间的项目最终被收录于 Deitch Projects 的编年史《Live the Art》一书,2014年由 Rizzoli 出版社出版。

2010年为担任洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆(MOCA)馆长,Jeffrey Deitch 关闭了画廊。在MOCA的三年间,他举办了50个展览和项目,包括美术馆史上观展人数最多的展览 “The Painting Factory” 和 “Art in the Streets”。Deitch 也开创了首个 YouTube 美术馆频道 MOCAtv。

Jeffrey Deitch 之后在纽约又重新成立了他的事务所和展览空间,同时于2018年9月开办了他的洛杉矶画廊。


Jeffrey Deitch was born in 1952 in Hartford, CT, graduated from Wesleyan University in 1974, and received an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School in 1978. He has been involved with modern and contemporary art for nearly 50 years as an artist, writer, curator, dealer, and advisor. He opened his first gallery in Lenox, Massachusetts, in 1972.

Deitch Projects, the New York gallery that Deitch operated from 1996-2010 presented more than 250 projects by artists from 33 countries. It was a unique organization, more like a private Institute of Contemporary Art than a commercial gallery. In addition to its gallery exhibitions, Deitch Projects was known for its performance program and public events like the Art Parade. The gallery’s program is documented in Live the Art, 15 Years of Deitch Projects, published by Rizzoli in 2014.

Deitch closed the gallery to become Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. During his three years at MOCA, he presented 50 exhibitions and projects including The Painting Factory and Art in the Streets, which had the highest attendance in the museum’s history. Deitch also initiated the first museum YouTube channel, MOCAtv.

Deitch has now reestablished his advisory office and exhibition program in New York. He opened his Los Angeles gallery in September 2018.

Protected: 艾未未:自助洗衣店

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