亚历克斯·梅 Alex MAY

Photo: Courtesy of Zhi Art Museum

英国艺术家亚历克斯·梅通过数字技术在一个高度连接、软件介导、政治和环境不稳定的世界里,挑战和增强个人和社会层面上的物理和情感人类界限。他利用光、代码和时间,专注于算法摄影、机器人、视频投影映射装置、互动和生成性作品、影像雕塑、表演和视频艺术。亚历克斯的作品在许多国际展览中展出,包括弗朗西斯·克里克研究所(永久收藏)、伊甸园项目(永久收藏)、泰特现代美术馆、Ars Electronica (奥地利)、LABoral(西班牙)、维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆、英国皇家艺术学院、韦尔科姆收藏馆、科学博物馆、布莱切利公园、金丝雀码头的加拿大广场、加拉加斯当代艺术博物馆(委内瑞拉)、都柏林科学画廊、普林斯顿大学、卡尔加里大学(2016年国际访问艺术家)、德州农工大学、比尔艺术+技术中心、加州大学欧文分校。他也是访问研究员:赫特福德大学计算机科学学院驻留艺术家,布莱顿大学数字媒体艺术硕士专业讲师。

Alex May is a British artist creating digital technologies to challenge and augment physical and emotional human boundaries on a personal and societal level in a hyper-connected, software mediated, politically and environmentally unstable world. He works with light, code, and time; notably algorithmic photography, robotic artworks, video projection mapping installations, interactive and generative works, video sculpture, performance, and video art. Alex has exhibited internationally including at the Francis Crick Institute (permanent collection), Eden Project (permanent collection), Tate Modern, Ars Electronica (Austria), LABoral (Spain), the Victoria & Albert Museum, Royal Academy of Art, Wellcome Collection, Science Museum, Bletchley Park, One Canada Square in Canary Wharf, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Caracas (Venezuela), the Science Gallery in Dublin, Princeton University, University of Calgary (international visiting artist 2016), Texas A&M University, and the Beall Center for Art + Technology, University of California, Irvine. Alex is a Visiting Research Fellow: Artist in Residence with the School of Computer Science of University of Hertfordshire, and a Digital Media Arts MA sessional lecturer at the University of Brighton. 


GROWING - International Bio Art Exhibition, V.A.