克丽斯塔·佐梅雷尔 & 劳伦·米尼奥诺 Christa SOMMERER & Laurent MIGNONNEAU

Christa Sommerer. Photo: Courtesy of Zhi Art Museum

克丽斯塔·佐梅雷尔和劳伦·米尼奥诺工作于交互式计算机装置领域媒体艺术家他们任教于奥地利林茨艺术与设计大学,指导媒体研究所的面文化部门。佐梅雷尔与米尼奥诺曾在日本岐阜的媒体艺术与科学IAMAS国际学院担任教授,并在日本京都的ATR媒体整合与传播研究实验室担任研究人员和艺术总监。他们还曾任美国剑桥麻省理工学院高级视觉研究中心、美国伊利诺斯州香槟市的贝克曼研究所和东京的NTT-InterCommunication Center访问学者

1992年,佐梅雷尔与米尼奥诺在法兰克福的Staedelschule新媒体研究所会面,在那里他们开始了在交互式计算机装置领域的合作。他们开发了自然直观的界面,并在创新界面设计中经常应用人工生命、复杂性和生成系统等科学原理,他们的作品由此被称为“时代制造”Toshiharu Itoh, NTT-ICC博物馆

佐梅雷尔与米尼奥诺作品已在全球大约250个展览中展出,并在世界多个媒体博物馆和收藏中被永久陈列包括德国卡尔斯鲁厄的ZKM媒体博物馆东京的NTT-ICC跨传播中心巴黎卡地亚基金会伦敦千禧穹顶日本的东京大都会摄影博物馆奥地利林茨的AEC Ars Electronica中心日本名古屋的NTT Plan-Net日本白石的白石多媒体艺术中心和东京资生堂之家。

Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau are internationally renowned media artists working in the field of interactive computer installation. They are Professors at the University of Art and Design in Linz Austria where they head the Department for Interface Culture at the Institute for Media. Sommerer and Mignonneau previously held positions as Professors at the IAMAS International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences in Gifu, Japan and as Researchers and Artistic Directors at the ATR Media Integration and Communications Research Lab in Kyoto Japan. They also were Visiting Researchers at the MIT CAVS in Cambridge US, the Beckmann Institute in Champaign Urbana, IL, USA and the NTT-InterCommunication Center in Tokyo.

In 1992 Sommerer and Mignonneau met at the Institute for New Media at the Staedelschule in Frankfurt where they teamed up and started their collaboration in the area of interactive computer installations. Mignonneau and Sommerer’s artworks have been called “epoch making” (Toshiharu Itoh, NTT-ICC museum) for developing natural and intuitive interfaces and for often applying scientific principles such as artificial life, complexity and generative systems to their innovative interface designs.

These works have been shown in around 250 exhibitions world-wide and are permanently installed in media museums and media collections around the world, including the Media Museum of the ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany, the NTT-ICC InterCommunication Center in Tokyo, the Cartier Foundation in Paris, the Millennium Dome in London, the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Japan, the AEC Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria, the NTT Plan-Net in Nagoya, Japan, Shiroishi Multimedia Art Center in Shiroishi, Japan and the HOUSE-OF-SHISEIDO in Tokyo.


GROWING - International Bio Art Exhibition, V.A.