黎晓亮 Alexvi

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

摄影师、影像艺术家。黎晓亮的影像创作工作主要包括摄影、动态影像和多媒介实践。在过去的十多年中与主流时尚、艺术杂志合作记录了银幕上数量繁多的演员、艺术家和好莱坞巨星、摇滚歌手。于此同时,他也在长期实践具有持续议题性的个人艺术项目。其艺术项目 “孤独星球” 在连州国际摄影节获马丁·帕尔评审的摄影样书奖、“北京公寓” 获得FAPA等国际奖项,并多次受邀于艺术机构和画廊展出,包括UCCA Lab、chi K11美术馆、昊美术馆、三影堂艺术中心、Leica Gallery、西海美术馆、谢子龙影像艺术馆、深圳设计互联等。


Photographer, Film Artist. Alexvi’s works mainly include photography, video and multimedia practice. Over the past decade, Alexvi has collaborated with the most influential magazines in fashion and art to document a wide range of Chinese actors, artists, Hollywood superstars, rock singers and more. At the same time, Alexvi is also engaged in creating thematic long-term art projects. For example, the art project “Lonely Planet” series won the photography Sample Award by Martin Parr in Lianzhou International Photography Festival; “Peking Apartments” series has won international awards such as FAPA (Fine Art Photography Awards) and been invited to exhibit in art institutions and galleries including UCCA Lab, chi K11 Art Museum, Hao Art Museum, Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre, Leica Gallery, TAG Art Museum, Xie Zilong Photography Museum and Design Society.

黎晓亮:1/3 个展

Alexvi: 1/3 Solo Exhibition