陈文骥 CHEN Wenji

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

陈文骥,中央美术学院壁画系教授。1954年生于上海, 1978年毕业于中央美术学院版画系,目前生活、工作于北京和河北燕郊两地。 八十年代初期,他有过一段不长的版画创作经历,自八十年代中期,开始转而以油画作为个人的创作方式,经历了从写实到抽象视觉形态的表达方式,近十年来始终通过这种绘画思考途径来完成个人的艺术创作。作品曾参加《中国现代艺术展》(北京,1989),《演变-中国当代艺术展》(德国科布隆茨,2008),《中国当代艺术三十年历程 1978-2009》(上海,2009),《Ctrl+N非线性实践 2012光州双年展特别展》(韩国光州,2012),《2017巴西库里蒂巴双年展·脉动——中国当代艺术展》(巴西,2017),《鲍博·勃尼斯+陈文骥》(北京,2018)。


Chen Wenji. Professor of Mural Department, China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). Chen Wenji was born in Shanghai in 1954. He graduated from the Printmaking Department of CAFA in 1978, Chen lives and works between the city of Beijing and Yanjiao of Hebei province. In the early 1980s, the artist had a fair amount of experience in printmaking. Since the mid-1980s, oil painting has been used as his primary creative medium, which further experienced a conversion of visual forms from figurative realism to abstract expression. In the past fifteen years, he has stood by this way of thinking to follow his artistic pursuit. Chen Wenji has participated in “Chinese Modern Art Exhibition” (Beijing, 1989) , “China’s Revision” (Koblenz, Germany, 2008) , “Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art 1979-2009” (Shanghai, 2009) , “Ctrl+N Non-Linear Practice – 2012 Kwangju Biennale Special Exhibition” (Kwangju, Korea, 2012) , “Brazil Curitiba Biennale 2017: Pulse – Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition” (Brazil, 2017) , “Bob Bonis + Chen Wenji” (Beijing, 2018) .

九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术 ⑤:“相似的结果,不同的路径” 陈文骥 × 丁乙 × 梁铨 × 谭平

Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic ⑤: Similar Results, Different Approaches - Chen Wenji × Ding Yi × Liang Quan × Tan Ping