樊林 FAN Lin

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

樊林,毕业于中山大学汉语言文学系,广州美术学院。现为广州美术学院艺术与人文学院教授,广州美术学院学术委员会委员。主要致力于西方美术史教学、研究、 写作;当代艺术批评,展览策划。以 “德国新表现主义绘画” 为题入选中国美协海外研修计划,赴德国访学。受邀赴澳大利亚、匈牙利、德国策划展览、讲学,受邀出席挪威双年展担任观察员。曾担任 “连州国际摄影年展” 学术委员、单元策展人,“深圳、香港建筑双城双年展” 板块策展人,“AAC 艺术中国 · 年度影响力” 初评评委。


Fan Lin is a Professor from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, art critic and curator. She dedicates to teaching and research on western art history, has engaged in contemporary art criticism and exhibition curatorial, and published art criticism articles and artist publications. Fan Lin once served as Academic Committee Member for Lianzhou International Photo Festival and preliminary juries for Award of Art China, and was commissioned as observer for the 6th Momentum Biennial in Norway.


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