贺潇 Fiona HE

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

贺潇,独立策展人,艺术写作者,资深艺术类翻译。毕业于麦吉尔大学美术史专业,她曾任职于亚洲艺术文献库中国研究员和艺术论坛中文网编辑。她近期的研究和写作方向以绘画研究为基础,关注媒介更替时代下的艺术创作与观看。她长期为诸多国内外知名艺术刊物供稿,其中包括ARTFORUM、Art Newspaper.cn、Art-Ba-Ba、Flash Art、艺术界、Art Review Asia等。


Fiona He is an independent curator, art writer and seasoned translator. She graduated from McGill University with a degree in Art History and Asian Studies. She worked as a researcher for the Asia Art Archive and as an editor for the Chinese online edition of Artforum magazine. Her recent research and writing focus on medium of painting, while exploring ways of looking and practicing art in the condition of overlapping artistic medium and ideologies. She has been a long-time contributor to many renowned art publications in China and abroad, including ARTFORUM, Art Newspaper.cn, Art-Ba-Ba, Flash Art, Leap, Art Review Asia, and others.

周力:桃花源 · 迹|深圳当代艺术家系列之二

Zhou Li: Tracing Peach Blossom Spring | Shenzhen Contemporary Artists Series No.2