厉槟源 LI Binyuan

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

厉槟源,1985年生于中国湖南永州,2011年毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系。厉槟源通过行动、录像和行为艺术表演介入日常中国社会的不同领域,探索身体、物质、观念认知和社会价值。其艺术实践占据了城市和农村空间,包括公共空间,自然环境或偏远的后工业区;他利用身体做为雕塑材料进行创造性的研究,以及利用断裂和重复来展现雕塑和表演如何交织在一起。在审视我们每天的经历的同时,重新确立了社会行为。他的作品曾在美国、欧洲和亚洲各地展出,并被现代艺术博物馆永久收藏。他的近期个展包括:“厉槟源”(昊美术馆,中国,上海,2019),“汲取”(MU艺术中心,荷兰,埃因霍温,2019),“土地:张洹和厉槟源”(纽约现代艺术博物馆PS1,美国,纽约,2018)、“众重行事”(华人当代艺术中心,英国,曼彻斯特,2015),凭借作品 “最后一封信”,他获得第37届卡塞尔纪录片电影节金钥匙奖提名(2020)。


Li Binyuan was born in Yongzhou, Hunan Province, China in 1985, and graduated from the Department of Sculpture, Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2011. Li Binyuan explores physicality, material, conceptual cognition, and social values through actions-based film works, and performances that intervene in the social fabric of everyday Chinese society. His experiments occupy urban and rural spaces, from the very public context of the street, to natural sites, or remote post-industrial locations. Using his body as a sculptural material to enact creative investigation, he uses ruptures and repetition to manifest how sculpture and performance can intertwine. Rearticulating social conduct while interrogating our experiences of the everyday, Li’ s work has exhibited throughout the US, Europe, and Asia, and is in the permanent collection of The Museum of Modern Art. His recent major solo exhibitions include Land: Zhang Huan and Li Binyuan (MoMA PS1, New York, USA, 2018),Li Binyuan (HOW Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2019),Absorb (MU Artspace, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2019) and Social Behaviours (CFCCA, Manchester, UK, 2015).  With his work The Last Letter, he was nominated for the Golden Key Award at the 37th Kassel Documentary Festival (2020).


Spring Hometown | Hometown Series No.3


♛ “Rebirth and Resonance” The 3rd Anniversary of Pingshan Art Museum

九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术 ④:“天堂电影院” 厉槟源个展

♛ Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic ④: Cinema Paradiso: Solo Exhibition of Li Binyuan