毛焰 MAO Yan

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

毛焰,1968年出生,1991年毕业于中央美术学院油画系,现工作生活于南京。毛焰探讨的不是 “肖像” 的意义而是 “肖像画” 的意义,是借用人物的轮廓和动作来完成线条、颜色、构图的实体化,是在写实主义的框架下探讨深幽微妙的人类精神世界。说到底,单纯的绘画不过是一个世界的再现方式,在这一点上,毛焰作品的意义不在开创,而在最准确的、不受时代杂音影响的传承。近几年,毛焰个展相继在北京、日内瓦、纽约、香港举行。作品获首届广州双年展学术奖、第二届中国油画大展优秀作品奖、第十届马爹利非凡艺术人物第七届AAC年度油画家、ART POWER 100年度艺术家。


Mao Yan born in Hunan, Xiangtan, 1968, graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1991 majoring in oil painting. He currently lives and works in Nanjing. The meaning in Mao Yan’s endeavors does not lie in the idea of “portraits”. Rather, his works are “paintings of portraits” – borrowing the contour and movement of a character in order to substantialize outline, color, and composition. It is within the framework of realism that such deep, subtle inquiries into human mentality can be made. In the end, a simple painting is no more than another way of viewing the world; the significance of Mao Yan’s works is founded precisely in this point, as it has not inherited the static and noise of the generation. In the past few years, Mao Yan holds individual exhibition in Beijing, Geneva, New York and Paris.

九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术 ③:“我的诗人” 毛焰、韩东

♛ Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic ③: My Poet - Exhibition of Mao Yan and Han Dong