荣荣&映里 RongRong & inri

Photo: Courtesy of the Artist


2007年,荣荣&映里在北京草场地国际艺术区创办了三影堂摄影艺术中心,这是中国第一个由艺术家自资创立的摄影艺术中心,同时也是一个开放互动的国际性交流平台。 2008年起,荣荣&映里启动了 “三影堂摄影奖 (TSPA)” 活动,旨在鼓励并挖掘中国最具潜力的摄影艺术家。2015年,荣荣&映里创办的三影堂摄影艺术中心与法国阿尔勒摄影节合作主办了集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季。

2016年,荣荣&映里获得索尼世界摄影奖 “摄影杰出贡献奖”,他们为亚洲乃至世界摄影界带来的贡献获得了世界摄影组织的高度认可。


RongRong (China) and inri (Japan) have been working together since 2000. Their works reflect the intimate world that they have created together and push the boundaries of traditional black-and-white darkroom techniques. Their critically acclaimed series of works, such as Mt. Fuji (2001), Liulitun (1996-2003), and Tsumari Story (2012-2014), reflect their shared life and surroundings, delving into the rapidly changing world around them.

In 2007, RongRong & inri established the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in the Beijing arts district Caochangdi. In 2008, they launched the annual Three Shadows Photography Award, a prize aimed at discovering and encouraging China’s most promising young photographers. In 2010, they started a collaboration with the Arles International Photography Festival and co-produced the Caochangdi Photo Spring Festival in Beijing for three years – from 2010 to 2012. They have continued this collaboration at Three Shadows’ Xiamen location, where since 2015 they have co-hosted the Arles × Jimei Festival .

RongRong&inri received the Outstanding Contribution to Photography prize at the 2016 Sony World Photography Awards, recognized for both their careers as artists and their significant impact on Asian photography.


Laboratory for Chinese Contemporary Photography - Three Shadows Photography Art Centre