沈瑞筠 Ruijun SHEN

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

沈瑞筠是一名艺术家,也曾是广东时代美术馆的首席策展人(2014-2017),目前担任卡蒂斯特(旧金山和巴黎)的中国项目总监。她作为策展人,曾策划了包括 “留涟——皮皮洛蒂·瑞斯特个展”(2013)、“脉冲反应II——关于现实与现实主义的讨论”(2016)和在纽约皇后美术馆策划的 “政治纯形式!”(2014)。她还联合策划了第六届成都双年展(2013)。沈瑞筠以中国园林为切入点研究中国文化的思想根源,传统文化对当代生活面临的困境的启示,及园林作为一种空间艺术转化到当代艺术中的可能,是沈瑞筠策展工作中的一个长期研究方向。围绕着园林,她曾经策划《中日园林》(2015),《真山水与园林》(2016),《有我之境与无我之境——法国风景园林和中国园林中的自然》(2018)以及《象外之景——2018 OCT LOFT公共艺术展》 (2018)等展览。

Ruijun Shen, artist and curator, received two MFAs from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Montclair State University respectively.  She has curated many successful shows at the Guangdong Times Museum, including ‘Gentle Wave in Your Eye Fluid- A Pipilotti Rist Solo Exhibition’ ( 2013), Chinese and Japanese Garden ( 2015), ‘Pulse Reaction II– A Discussion on Reality and Realism’ (2016) , and ‘Polit-Sheer-Form!’ (2014) at the Queens Museum in New York. Shen has also co-curated the 6th Chengdu Biennale (2013). Shen was the chief curator of Guangdong Times Museum (2010-2017) and currently work as the program advisor in China for the Kadist Art Foundation in San Fansisco and Paris.


Consensus - Man in Chinese Gardens, LIU Jianhua, HE An, WANG Sishun