马刺画廊 SPURS Gallery

SPURS Gallery,其前身为Universal Studios-Beijing 与博而励画廊,是中国成立最早的当代艺术画廊之一。自2005年创立以来,画廊支持并推出了一系列具有代际延续性的展览,既展现了中国特有的艺术发展史,同时致力于发掘使用不同媒介的优秀年轻艺术家,呈现和丰富了中国当代艺术的独特面貌。从创立至今,画廊已举办超过90次展览,代理超过25位艺术家,并与20余位艺术家建立合作。

画廊取 “马刺” 之意,旨在传达一种锐意创新敢为人先的态度,以激励社会的文化反思与文化自信为责任。画廊将继续义无反顾地支持艺术家的创作与推广,为艺术家提供实现创造力的国际平台;同时积极投身与藏家、策展人及机构的合作,开启中国前沿艺术与西方立场之间的对话,推动中国艺术市场的良性发展,以建立、解放并持续影响中国当代艺术发展为使命。2020年,SPURS Gallery 在不改变原画廊既有艺术家阵营及核心运营团队的基础上,以全新的理念与崭新的面貌再次出发,以期开拓更为广阔的前景。


Spurs Gallery is one of the leading contemporary art galleries in China, representing more than 25 artists from all generations of the Chinese avant-garde, and collaborating with many more internationally. Its program explores the complete history that starts with the first avant-garde movements emerging after the Cultural Revolution, including artists from the 1970s underground period of the Stars and No Name Groups, the Beijing Abstract Art Movement in the early 1980s, the 85 New Wave Movement, the New Media Movement in the 1990s, and the pioneering young artists of the Post Internet era.

Spurs Gallery is continuing the legacy of Boers-Li Gallery, established in 2005, staging more than 90 exhibitions until today. Led by Jia Wei and Sherry Lai, Spurs Gallery supports the artists who have built a relationship with them over the last 15 years, while fostering young and new positions with the knowledge of the traditions of Chinese art and its contemporary developments. Equipped to emancipate and establish the history of Chinese contemporary art and its continued influence, the gallery provides a platform for artists to realize their practice on an international stage, and to start a dialog between the cutting-edge of Chinese art today and selected Western positions that pursue ideas for a globalized world.


Up in the Air, V.A.


♛ A Walk to Remember, ZHENG Lu

张培力 | 既然

♛ Zhang Peili | Now That, ZHANG Peili

邱黯雄:新山海经 3

Qiu Anxiong: New Classic of Mountains and Seas III, QIU Anxiong




Space - Japan Period, HUANG Rui

Protected: 张伟-新作

New Paintings, ZHANG Wei

Protected: 薛峰个展:寂静-新作

The Tranquility Series, XUE Feng