1950年,東京画廊作为日本最初的当代美术画廊在银座开设成立,2010年迎来了开廊60周年。 画廊当初的重点经营是近代日本具象绘画,曾举办如1956年鸟海青儿展、1957年万鉄五郎展、加山又造展等等。1958年在美术评论家瀧口修造的推荐下举办了斎藤义重展,随后陆续开展了 Lucio Fontana、Yves Klein、Jackson Pollock、Friedensreich Hundertwasser(百水先生)等艺术家展览,致力于将欧洲的当代艺术第一时间介绍至日本国内。而同时,画廊也积极举办了高松次郎、白髪一雄、冈本太郎等一群之后掀起日本当代艺术风潮的领军艺术家展览。1961年,東京画廊在東京举办了旅法中国艺术家赵无极的第一次日本个展。70年代时,画廊邀请到了金焕基、李禹焕等韩国艺术家一同企划韩国当代美术展。80年代,起将目光投向当时还无人知晓的中国当代美术,推出了徐冰、蔡囯强等人的个展。 2002年,東京画廊在北京的798大山子艺术区成立了北京空间-BTAP(Beijing Tokyo Art Project)。 时至今日,東京画廊+BTAP 仍秉承开廊之初的专业性和先驱性,以東京和北京两地为据点挖掘介绍各国优秀艺术家作品,向全世界发布着日中韩等亚洲当代艺术资讯。
Tokyo Gallery is the first contemporary art gallery in Tokyo founded in 1950, marking its 60th anniversary in 2010. From the 1950s, the gallery pioneered in introducing series of Western avant-garde artists such as Fontana, Yves Klein, Pollock and Hudertwasser to Japan. The gallery also supported experimental projects by Japanese artists, including Jiro Takamatsu, Kazuo Shiraga, Taro Okamoto and Mono-ha; all now internationally-renowned. Tokyo Gallery introduced their artworks to international audiences through art fairs, collaborations in biennales and acclaimed exhibitions at major museums. In 1961, Tokyo Gallery in Tokyo organized the Paris-based Chinese artist Zao Wou-Ki’s first personal exhibition in Japan. In the 1970s, the gallery began working with Korean artists such as Kim Whangki and Lee Ufan. The gallery also started exhibiting yet-unknown Chinese artists, including Xu Bing and Cai Guo-Qiang since the 1980s. In 2002, the gallery opened a new space BTAP in the now world-renowned Beijing 798 Art District. Inheriting the pioneer spirit and currently operating as Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, the gallery continues its mission on discovering and promoting both established and rising artists.