王思顺 WANG Sishun

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum


王思顺是活跃在中国当代艺术界的青年观念艺术家,作品涉及装置、雕塑、行为、绘画等等几乎所有媒介,并以他特有的方式将不同媒介融合在一起。王思顺擅长利用环境特点和物质本身特征而形成作品,将物质及其不同存在形态之间的关系转化作为自己创作的核心,并在其后的实验中逐步加入对包括 “流通” 在内的社会规则的讨论,以不确定的未来为目标。同时,时间与空间的关系及其相互的转换,也是他关心的议题,在近期的创作中,他对现成品或日常材料的运用和转换流露出一种混不吝的、轻松的、同时随心所欲的气质。

他曾受邀参加亚洲艺术双年展、泰国双年展、日本越后妻有三年展、银川双年展、罗马尼亚双年展、俄罗斯乌拉尔当代艺术工业双年展、英国曼彻斯特亚洲艺术三年展。作品先后展出于香港大馆美术馆、法国安纳西 Salomon 当代艺术基金会、格鲁吉亚国家美术馆、英国卡斯雕塑基金会、奥地利格拉兹美术馆、德国戴姆勒艺术中心、伊斯坦布尔 BorusanContemporary、UCCA尤伦斯艺术中心、中国美术馆、意大利路吉·佩吉当代艺术中心等知名艺术场馆。王思顺获三亚 “华宇青年奖” 提名奖(2015)、ACC亚洲文化协会奖(2016)。 作品被泰康空间、香港 M+美术馆、德国戴姆勒中心等机构收藏


Wang Sishun (b. 1979) was born in Wuhan and currently lives and works in Beijing. In 2005, he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Hubei Institute of Fine Art in the Department of Sculpture and received his Master of Fine Arts at the Central Academy of Fine Art also in the Department of Sculpture in 2008. His artistic practice attempts to examine “the boundless abyss in our limited bodies” through the reinterpretation and transformation of time and matter. The rigor of his training as a sculptor is evident, although this experience often manifests itself in non-traditional ways to challenge formal ideas of process and meaning.

His latest sculpture series “Apocalypse” includes stones from all over the world including Russia, France, Italy, and China that the artist chose personally based on their resemblance to human portraits. The stones are made up of different sizes, shapes, colors and textures. It seems as though they bridge identities, race and origin, embodying lives from the past and the future. All of them have distinct dispositions: some of them possess spirits that are wholesome, while others are maleficent; some are divine, while others are grotesque. All of these lives and characters that the stones embody come together to create a world of both conflict and harmony.

His work have been shown in Asian Art Biennial, Taichung, Taiwan; Thailand Biennale, Krabi, Thailand; Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, Echigo-Tsumari, Japan; The Yinchuan Biennale, Yinchuan, China; Ural Biennale, Yekaterinburg, Russia; Asia Triennial Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom. His works were exhibited in Foundation Salomon, Annecy, France; Georgian National Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia; Cass Sculpture Foundation, Sussex, Britain; Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria; Daimler Contemporary Berlin, Berlin, Germany; BorusanContemporary, Istanbul, Turkey; Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (UCCA), China; National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China; Luigi Pecci Centre for Contemporary Art, Prato, Italy. He won the nomination of Huayu Youth Award in 2015 and ACC Grant in 2016.


Up in the Air, V.A.


Consensus - Man in Chinese Gardens, LIU Jianhua, HE An, WANG Sishun