王振飞 & 王鹿鸣 WANG Zhenfei & WANG Luming

Photo: Courtesy of the Architects

王振飞,1977年生于中国天津,毕业于荷兰贝尔拉格学院,获硕士学位,现工作生活于香港。他是FUN事务所的联合创始人和主持建筑师、中国建筑学会建筑师分会数字建筑设计专业委员会(DADA)联合创始人,以及中国建筑学会数字建造学术委员会委员。他的作品曾获得多个国际奖项,包括德国国家设计奖、德国红点设计奖、德国iF设计奖、中国建筑学会建筑创作大奖、意大利 A’ Design设计奖、新加坡室内设计奖等。



WANG Zhenfei (born in 1977, Tianjin China), received his Master degree from Berlage Institute in Rotterdam, currently lives and works in Hong Kong. He is the Founder and principal architect of FUN Design, the co founder of Digital Architecture Design Association (DADA, China) and the committee member of Chinese Digital Fabrication Design Association. He won numeric awards including: German Design Award, Red Dot Awards, iF Design Award, ASC Grand Architectural Creation Award, A ’Design Award, Singapore Interior Design Awards, and etc.

WANG Luming (born in 1977, Tianjin China), received her Master degree from Berlage Institute in Rotterdam, currently lives and works in Hong Kong. She is the cofounder and principal architect of  FUN Design. She won numeric awards including: German Design Award, Red Dot Awards, iF Design Award, ASC Grand Architectural Creation Award, A’ Design Award, Singapore Interior Design Awards, and etc.


♛ CryptoZR: COOKIE COOKIE, LIU Jiaying