张翀 ZHANG Chong

Photo: Courtesy of LEVANT ART

张翀,1988年出生于浙江,2018年毕业于德国 Alanus 艺术学院(Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences),获硕士学位及教授 Jochen Breme 的大师生(Meisterschüler)称号,现工作生活于上海。其作品曾于杜塞尔多夫艺术皇宫美术馆 Museum Kunstpalast(2018),C.A.R.埃森新媒体艺术博览会The Art Fair Contemporary Art Ruhr (C.A.R.)(2017)以及上海,德国,荷兰多地的艺术空间展出。


Born in Zhejiang in 1988. Graduated with a master’s degree and the title of Professor Jochen Breme’s Meisterschüler from the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Germany, in 2018. Now works and lives in Shanghai. His works have been exhibited in the Museum Kunstpalast in Dusseldorf in 2018, in the art fair contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.) in 2017, and other art spaces in Shanghai, Germany, the Netherlands and etc.


♛ What Color Is a Lonely Island? V.A.