张增增 ZHANG Zengzeng

Photo: Courtesy of LI Zhenhua Studio




Zhang Zengzeng, was born in 1987 in Bozhou, Anhui Province, China. After completing his bachelor’s degree in 2010, he continued and completed his master’s degree in 2013 at the Sculpture Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. Zhang Zengzeng was a young resident artist at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute from 2014 to 2016 and an International Young Artists Resident Project in Florence, Italy, in 2018. He is a member of the China Sculpture Society and a council member of the Chongqing Sculpture Society. He is now teaching in the Cross-media Studio of the Sculpture Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute.

For many years, he has been committed to combining scientific and technological means to three-dimensional urban space, trying to visualize and solidify philosophy and social logic. Zhang Zengzeng aims to make the size of his work beyond small objects by replacing the passive creation of objects with the creation of the environment, transcending from the image to the phenomenon, up-scaling from places to the city, magnifying small and limited personal perception to the limitless. Over the past decade, a series of studies relating to new materials science, space technology and urban phenomena have taken place both in and outside art galleries. These studies include interdisciplinary research of the city, the landscape, the indoors and public relations.


♛ Minor Universes: Technology-led Emotions, V.A.