金泽21世纪美术馆 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa

位于日本金泽市的金泽21世纪美术馆,其建馆目的是 “创造新文化”、“促进城镇新的繁荣”。在21世纪这一重大历史转折点,人们对城镇建设也提出了新的要求。金泽21世纪美术馆将通过美术馆与城镇的共存,为金泽市创造出新的魅力和活力。

金泽21世纪美术馆由妹岛和世与西泽立卫(SANAA事务所)两位建筑师设计,位于金泽市市中心。美术馆希望能成为任何人都 能随时造访、可为人们提供各种邂逅和体验机会的公园一样的场所。因此,整个建筑采用了没有正面、背面之分的玻璃圆弧墙, 还设计了天窗、光庭等,以增加建筑的亮度和开放感。为了满足来访者的各种需求,美术馆还在夜间开放,并开设了各种独具特色的商店、餐馆等,是一处能给参观者带来 “轻松”、“愉快” 和 “方便” 的前所未有的美术馆。


21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa seeks to present the world’s contemporary art from an independent standpoint and far-sighted perspective. Designed by SEJIMA Kazuyo + NISHIZAWA Ryue / SANAA, two architects who have received international acclaim, the Museum features a unique circular design and elegant galleries white in tone.

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa offers both art and creations from wide-ranging fields related to art, including music, the performing arts, and film. The Museum places great emphasis on its promotional programs aimed at better acquainting people with such fields. Through those programs, the Museum hopes to enhance the charms and reputation of the city of Kanazawa and disseminate cultural information throughout the world.

宋冬-在家 出家



Living Writing, QIU Zhijie