芭芭拉·西格纳 Barbara SIGNER

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum


作品曾展出于美国洛杉矶大象艺术空间,日本中之條双年展,日本东京神田,瑞士苏黎世尚塔工作室,瑞士罗西 Kornhaus 项目空间,瑞士苏黎世文化输出器空间等。


Barbara Signer (1982, St.Gallen/CH), lives and works in St.Gallen and Zurich, Switzerland. Observing the  intangible, Signer is exploring places of transition, the reciprocity of relationships and causality as an aesthetic dimension.  Her work, which is expressed through a variety of media, often translates into sculptures and installations.  In her work Signer deals with reality. It is a reality which is formed by multiple layers of meaning and relations between and among beings and things. A place between fact and fiction.

Recent Exhibitions includes: Imagoholics, Elephant Art Space, Los Angeles (2019), Nakanojo Biennale 2019, Nakanojo, Japan (2019), エンカウンターズ (encounters), mumei, Tokyo (2019), IIIIIII, with Natalie Price Hafslund, Studio Chantal, Zürich (2018), Astral Sleaze, with Natalie Price Hafslund, Projektraum Kornhaus, Rorschach (2018), Viscosity, Kulturfolger, Zürich (2017).