缓存空间 CACHE

缓存(CACHE)空间是在201610月创立的一个自发的非营利艺术机构,机构位于北京798艺术区料阁子,面积80平米。缓存空间致力于收集、整理、呈现艺术实践中的 “剩余”,并将其转化为 “缓存” 模式。主要通过放映、剧场、研究驻留、语境提供、出版和在线播客等方式展示和传播中国和世界各地的实验激进艺术。 


The CACHE space is a non-profit art space found in Beijing in October 2016 which mainly focused on collecting, organizing, presenting the “surplus” in contemporary artistic practice and turning it into a “cache” model. It is mainly dedicated to radical art in China and around the world through screening, experimental theater, situation, panel discussion and online podcast, currently there is a 80 msq space in Beijing 798 Art District.

转调:u/n multitude 与 “政治乐谱”

Transposition: u/n multitude and Its ‘Political Scores’, u/n multitude