胡介鸣 HU Jieming

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

胡介鸣,1957年生于上海,1984年毕业于上海轻工业高等专科学校美术设计系。目前生活工作在上海。胡介鸣是当今中国数字媒体和录像装置的先驱艺术家之一。胡介鸣有着对其他学科的偏好,往往将那些不相干的领域杂糅其中。胡介鸣的尝试来自对内部生理的关注之表达,转换了生理图表、手势、建筑空间、身份和五线谱到视觉经验杂糅的综合体验中。胡介鸣的艺术创作驻足于时间、时空、历史、记忆的交替更迭,利用众多的媒介,不论摄影、 录像或数字互动技术,持续提出他的观点和质疑的主题。让观者置身于过去的、不确切的某一个时空中,个人记忆中的图像被唤起,形成个体的文本。胡介鸣作品中的物体、材料、影像、交互程序及智能化控制建立起了一种难以名状的场域,饱含着无限的历史记忆。它们相互交织,彼此覆盖,不断消解,又相互生成。其作品所传达的不仅仅是对物体的感受,实际上是与当下的空间和时间产生一种新的叙事关系。整个空间让观者置身于过去的、不确切的某一个时空中,个人记忆中的图像被唤起,形成个体的文本。

胡介鸣从事新媒体、影像装置、摄影艺术作品的创作并参与展览,如:“010101:技术时代的艺术”(旧金山现代艺术博物馆,2001);“生活在此时”(柏林汉堡火车站美术馆,2001);首届广州当代艺术三年展 “重新解读:中国实验艺术十年 1990-2000”(广东美术馆,2002);个展 “与你有关”(上海比翼艺术中心,2003);个展 “胡介鸣交互艺术展”(布鲁塞尔MAAC HHKK,2004);“在过去和将来之间:中国新摄影和录像”(纽约国际摄影中心,2004);“影像生存” 第五届上海双年展(上海美术馆,2004);“13:中国当代录像”(纽约P.S.1当代艺术中心,2006);“中国当代”(鹿特丹Boijmans Van Beuningen博物馆,2006);“01圣何塞” 全球边缘艺术节和ISEA论坛(2006);“代码:蓝色” 第三届北京国际新媒体艺术展暨论坛(2006);“DEAF07” 荷兰电子艺术节(V2鹿特丹,2007);“重新发电” 第九届上海双年展(上海当代艺术博物馆,2012);“齐物等观” 国际新媒体艺术三年展(中国美术馆,2014);釜山双年展(2016);“移动中的艺术:100件媒体艺术名作”(德国卡尔斯鲁厄媒体艺术博物馆,2018)等。

Hu Jieming was born in 1957 in Shanghai. He graduated from Shanghai Light Industry College, Fine Arts Department in 1984. He resides and works in Shanghai. Hu Jieming is one of the pioneers of digital media and video installation art in today’s China. He shows his partiality to interdiscipline which leads into a blending of remote fields. Hu’s works pay attention to internal physiology by transferring physical diagrams, gestures, architectural areas, identifications and staves etc. into a synthesized visual experience. Hu Jieming raises views and questions about time, space, history and memory, while his art covers a range of medium working with photography, video and digital interactive technology. He places the audience in the past and an uncertain situation, reminding them of personal memories to shape up individual texts. The objects, materials, videos, interactive programs and intelligentized controlling system in Hu’s works have embodied a nondescript domain which embraces infinite historical memories. They tangle with each other, cover each other, continuously dissolve themselves and generate each other. His works convey not only feelings towards objects, actually a new narrative relationship is established upon the present time and space.

Hu Jieming makes video installation, photo, media art works and participates in many exhibitions, such as 010101: Art In Technological Times (San Francisco Museum Of Modern Art, 2001); Live In Time (Nationalglerie Im Hamburger Bahnhof Museum Fur Gegenwart-Berlin, 2001); the First Guangzhou Triennial: Reinterpretation: A Decade of Experimental Chinese Art 1990-2000 (Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, 2002); Connected to You (Bizart Shanghai 2003); Hu Jie Ming Interactive Art (MAAC HHKK, Brussels, 2004); Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China (International Center of Photography, New York, 2004); 5th Shanghai Biennial: Techniques of the Visible (Shanghai Art Museum, 2004); The Thirteen: Chinese Video Now (P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center NY, 2006); China Contemporary (Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen Rotterdam, 2006); Zero One San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge and the ISEA 2006 Symposium (2006); Code: Blue: 3rd Beijing International New Media Arts Exhibition & Symposium (2006); DEAF07 – Dutch Electronic Art Festival (V2 Rotterdam, 2007); 9th Shanghai Biennale: Reactivation (Power Station of Art, Shanghai, 2012); Thingworld: International Triennial of New Media Art (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2014); Busan Biennale 2016 (Busan, Korea, 2016); Art in Motion: 100 Masterpieces with and through Media (ZKM, Germany, 2018), etc.  


Hu Jieming: Synchrony, HU Jieming