李振华 LI Zhenhua

Photo: Courtesy of LI Zhenhua Studio

李振华,1975出生于北京,现工作于苏黎世、柏林和香港。1996年以来活跃于当代艺术领域,实践主要围绕策展、艺术创作和项目管理。现任香港巴塞尔艺博会光映现场策展人(2014至今)、瑞士 Prix Pictet 摄影节推荐人。曾担任瑞士保罗克利美术馆夏日学院推荐人、英国巴比肯国际展览 “数字革命”(2014)国际顾问等。

李振华曾主持编撰艺术家个人出版物有《颜磊:我喜欢做的》、《冯梦波:西游记》、《胡介鸣:一分钟的一百年》和《杨福东:离信之雾》。2013年艺术评论以《Text》为书名出版。2015年获得 “艺术权力榜年度策展人奖”、“艺术新闻亚洲艺术贡献奖年度策展人奖”,2016年策划的第三届乌拉尔当代艺术工业双年展(2015)获得俄罗斯创新奖地区当代艺术计划奖。曾于众多国内外机构担任总评委,其中包括:德国转译媒体艺术节(2010)、CCAA中国当代艺术奖(*现为M+美术馆希克奖2012)、瑞士 Fantoche 动画节(2012)、AAC中国艺术奖(2015-2016)、现代汽车 Blue Prize(2018)等。


Li Zhenhua (b. 1975, Beijing) currently works between Zurich, Berlin and Hong Kong. Active in contemporary art since 1996, his practice revolves around curatorial, art production and project management. He is currently the Curator of FILM at Art Basel in Hong Kong (since 2014), he was the nominator for the Summer Academy of the Paul Klee Center, Switzerland, the Prix Pictet Photo Festival, Switzerland, and was the International Consultant of the Barbican International Exhibition “Digital Revolution” (2014), UK.

Li Zhenhua has edited the artist’s solo publications include Yan Lei: What I Like to Do, Feng Mengbo: Journey to the West, Hu Jieming: One Hundred Years in One Minute and Yang Fudong: Dawn Mist, Separation Faith. He published his debut book Text in 2013. Li Zhenhua is the winner of the Art Power Year Award in 2015, the Art News Asian Art Contribution Award Curator of the Year Award, and the Russian Innovation Award Regional Contemporary Art Project Award for the 3rd Ural Industry Biennial of Contemporary Art  in 2016. He has served as a final jury member for many Chinese and international organizations, including: Transmediale (2010), CCAA (*Now as M+ Art Museum Sigg Prize 2012), Fantoche Animation Festival (2012), AAC (2015-2016), Hyundai Blue Prize (2018), etc.


♛ Minor Universes: Technology-led Emotions, V.A.


♛ What Color Is a Lonely Island? V.A.


♛ Daniel Knorr: Materialization, Daniel Knorr

邬建安 个展:是海,是沙丘

♛ Wu Jian’an: The huge sand dunes are the bed of the Sea, WU Jian’an


♛ CryptoZR: COOKIE COOKIE, LIU Jiaying


Roman Signer: Videos and Films | 1975-1989 and NOW